How to Deal with Stray Cats?
Numerous homeless cats prowl the streets, and your circumstances may prevent you from bringing in and rescuing everyone. However, what do you do when one appears at your door, filthy, starving, and meowing for assistance?
Fulfill its immediate requirements
Make no apologies about feeding a stray cat. However, keep in mind that if you choose to feed a cat, you are conditioning it to return to your door.
If you are feeling secure, approach the cat gently and talk softly. Extend your hand and gently call it. Provide cat food or other food item if possible. However, avoid coercion. You risk getting scratched or bitten if the cat is wild and puts up a struggle.
To establish rapport with a cat, regularly put food outside in a tiny area where she can reach but a bigger animal cannot.
Make a difference:
Historically, it was customary for animal enthusiasts to capture and surrender outdoor cats to shelters. Feral cats brought to an overcrowded shelter faced the most probable result of euthanasia.
Today, via humane trap-neuter-release (TNR) programs, these cats may be released to the outdoors but will no longer contribute to the feral cat population — and they will have a higher chance of survival once neutered and vaccinated.
Therefore, as a responsible animal friend, do the following step. After the cat has been fed and watered, get a humane trap. You may buy or borrow a Havahart or box trap from your veterinarian or local animal shelter. Before approaching the cat, put on safety gloves and have a towel ready to throw over her if she attempts to attack. Then bring the cat in for neutering or spaying. Numerous organizations provide free or low-cost services. Following that, release it to an outdoor cat colony as recommended by your local authorities.

Emily’s passion for small critters knows no bounds. She’s your guide to the wonderful world of hamsters, guinea pigs, and all things pocket-sized.